A number of people are interested in joining us for RML, so we’re proposing the following 6-session runs for January and February…
Series 37 on Zoom
Six Monday Evenings
Starting January 6th, Ending February 10th
1930 – 2130 UTC (7.30pm to 9.30pm in the UK)
Series 38 in Person (York, UK)
Six Thursday Evenings
Starting January 9th, Ending February 13th
1930 – 2130 UTC (7.30pm to 9.30pm in the UK)
Send email to hello@readmarklearn.org if you would like to join either of these groups. It may be possible to mix and match, if you have odd diary clashes, so just ask.
If you’d like to join us, but none of these dates and times work for you, please let us know what dates and times would.
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